March 03, 2020

It is more the genie who comes to my aid and we solve a problem together

"It has been in combat almost daily in Iraq."I think everyone has been looking for that in adult entertainment and it is here," Naughty America vice president Lauren S told AFP."I was trying to count the number of booths that at least had a VR headset, and there were too many.Lumus AR technology has been used by US military jet pilots."VR for QBsrongYoung startup STRIVR Labs mentally trains US pro football quarterbacks by virtually putting them into plays using Rift headsets."Virtual reality is also being used for fan experiences, such as providing the illusion of being at a stadium or trying to block hocky pucks fired at a net by pro players."."Facebook-owned Oculus began taking pre-orders for its eagerly-anticipated Rift VR headsets at a price of $599 when the CES show floor opened on Wednesday."While video game players have been natural early targets for virtual reality, the technology is being put to use for education, medicine, sports, porn and more.California-based porn company Naughty America is using virtual reality to put viewers in the heart of the action in sex scenes, a demonstration showed.The Oculus booth at the CES trade-only event had a seemingly endless queue of people waiting to dive into Rift."Virtual reality is a big deal here," Gartner analyst Brian Blau said at CES."Motorcycle riders are fanatics, and they are really excited about this," Skully manager of special projects Clint Masterson told AFP.Information in the airSan Francisco-firm Skully was at CES with its first augmented reality motorcycle helmet."Today we stand on the precipice of a new era."Seeing is believing."I don't see them as competing forces at all; they are very complementary."I think coaches that don't implement this are really missing the boat."Industries in which AR is being put to work include manufacturing, health care, insurance, and oil-and-gas, according to Joshi."Information surrounds you and you can interact with it by literally reaching out and touching it or talking to it."Silicon Valley-based Atheer Labs uses Lumus optics engines in a "smart glasses platform" aimed at businesses."Virtual reality takes you to another place, while augmented reality brings another place to you," said Ari Grobman of Lumus, an Israeli company that specializes in optics technology for augmented reality.Grobman envisioned a day when a car driver could slip on AR glasses to get help with a roadside repair or someone could use them to have a spouse guide them through cooking dinner.US space agency NASA used Rift at CES to let people virtually fly."

It is more the genie who comes to my aid and we solve a problem together."This is the evolution of computing," Joshi said. People wear Samsung Gear VR sets during a virtual reality demonstration at CES 2016 (Photo: AP) US space agency NASA used Rift at CES to let people virtually fly."It takes you as close to the real life experience of a player that you can get," former quarterback Trent Dilfer said while taking part in a virtual reality panel at CES.US space agency NASA used Rift at CES to let people virtually fly around a towering rocket that it plans to launch in 2018.Workers in the field are able to remotely tap into computer or brain power in the office for help with unfamiliar or puzzling scenarios."I think it is going to increase the speed at which we can do our science," said Hugh "Trey" Cate of NASA."Naughty America has added VR videos to the online porn catalog that can be accessed by people with monthly subscriptions to the service.Travelers might one day slip on AR glasses to get translations displayed as they explore places where they don't speak the language. Las Vegas: Altered realities abounded at the Consumer Electronics ShowWholesale Hanging vacuum storage bags2016 gadget-fest on Thursday, touching everything from sex and sports to sales and space exploration.

HTC used CES to announce enhancements to a Vive VR headset it is bringing to market.Virtual reality (VR) headsets immersed people in fictional worlds, while augmented reality (AR) eyewear overlaid digital data on the scenes around them.People wearing the glasses see information float in front of them, and can interact with it using gestures, head motion or voice commands, according to Ketan Joshi of Atheer."It is battle-proven," Grobman told AFP.The International Space Station is equipped with Microsoft's HoloLens augmented-reality headgear. Rift was slated to begin shipping in March.A tiny projector displayed driving directions, or showed what was going on behind a rider by tapping into a camera built into the rear of the $1,499 helmet."For too long, the promise of virtual reality has been little more than a promise," HTC chief executive Cher Wang said in a release."We don't believe, in the end, people will be wearing these glasses day in and day out," Joshi said

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February 24, 2020

And leave extra space in the bag

The minute you mention ‘travel’, some bright blighter would tell you, travel light.The essentials where you can reach them easily: your wallet with the money and debit/credit cards, phone and charger and a list of emergency contacts. You won’t need it, you will probably buy new stuff where you go to. Entirely true, you’d have realised if you travelled at least once and suffered dragging your heavy backpacks through many bad roads. But there are the basic essentials you can’t do without, and you wish you had taken, instead of a second pair of jeans. Also roll your clothes, don’t fold it, saves space.

 Let’s get to some of those basics here. Minimum luggage is the magic term, another will say. The minute you Hanging vacuum bags Manufacturers mention ‘travel’, some bright blighter would tell you, travel light. Tissue papers, ear plugs, everything in there that you could blindly take and leave with, next time there is a spontaneous little tripNo one thinks of this but a scarf is really handy — it can help when you get a cold, it can cover you up on cold nights, you can sit on it too.. Minimum luggage is the magic term, another will say.Even after you are back from a journey, do keep the basics in a backpack — the tooth brush, paste, towel and medicine kit included.Carry a couple of paper bags — you would thank yourself for this foresight on a day you might want to puke, or when you need to pack off your dirty/wet clothes during the trip. 

And leave extra space in the bag, you will need it.Even after you are back from a journey, do keep the basics in a backpack — the tooth brush, paste, towel and medicine kit included.Experts tell you that you should pack only half the clothes you plan to take (unless of course you are already good at this)

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 19, 2020

The attacks damaged or knocked out oil tanker convoys

"Although Esper did not mention the size of the US reinforcements, it could total several hundred troops because fuel-guzzling tanks and other armored vehicles depend on a large supply and logistical support group."He added: "We are reinforcing that position..But Esper said at NATO that the US is "considering how we might reposition forces in the area in order to ensure we secure the oil field. We think it is under control now.One official, who discussed the planning on condition of anonymity because some details remained to be agreed, cautioned that tanks might eventually be eliminated from the mix because of logistical challenges, including air transport.-brokered agreement with Turkey to halt its offensive against US-supporting Syrian Kurdish fighters was a win for his administration.. (Photo: File | AFP) Brussels: The United States will send armoured vehicles and combat troops into eastern Syria to keep oil fields from potentially falling into the hands of Islamic State militants, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said.

The American move triggered widespread criticism that the US administration had abandoned the Syrian Kurdish fighters who fought alongside the US against IS for several years.Starting in late 2015 and continuing for many months, the US conducted airstrikes against a range of oil resources in the Deir el-Zour province that had been taken over by IS.Russian and Turkish leaders have now divided up security roles in northeast Syria following Trump&Vacuum space bags Factory39;s abrupt troop withdrawal from the Turkey-Syrian border region.Though Trump repeatedly says he is pulling out of Syria, the reality on the ground is different." He made clear the main purpose is to prevent IS from regaining access to Syrian oil, which prior to 2017 was a major source of its revenue."The US special envoy for Syria, James Jeffrey, said in Geneva on Friday he had talked to a Russian official about an unspecified issue in Syria's oil region.S.On Friday, Esper described the added force as "mechanized," which means it likely will include armored vehicles such as Bradley armored infantry carriers and possibly tanks, although details were still being worked out.Trump has ordered # the withdrawal of nearly all 1,000 US troops who had been partnering with a Syrian Kurdish-led militia against the Islamic State group..Sending an armored force to eastern Syria would partially reverse the ongoing shrinkage of the US troop presence in Syria.

He previously has acknowledged a willingness to help protect the oil fields in eastern Syria, suggesting they could benefit the Kurds as well as the United States, although those resources belong to the Syrian government. We have a couple of people that came knocking, we said don't knock. When these pundit fools who have called the Middle East wrong for 20 years ask what we are getting out of the deal, I simply say, THE OIL, AND WE ARE BRINGING OUR SOLDIERS BACK HOME, ISIS SECURED!"Asked about America's shifting Syria strategy, Esper said the US mission has always been to prevent the resurgence of IS..That offensive began after Trump announced US troops would not stand in the way, though he also said the US would punish Turkey's economy if the country acted inhumanely. "Our soldiers have left and are leaving Syria for other places, then."We are doing well in Syria, with Turkey and everybody else that we're dealing with," Trump said."I've talked to my Russian colleague about that and we're having other contacts with the Russians concerning that situation. COMING HOME! ..Adding armored reinforcements in the oil-producing area of Syria could mean sending several hundred US troops -- even as a similar number are being withdrawn from a separate mission closer to the border with Turkey where Russian forces have been filling the vacuum.It was called Operation Tidal Wave II, after a World War II air campaign to hit Romania's oil industry."We have secured the oil.Esper's announcement came even as Trump again indicated in tweets that the US military mission in Syria is complete...That withdrawal is proceeding even as Esper announced the plan to put reinforcements in the oil-producing area. And I think I would say that things are going very well.

The attacks damaged or knocked out oil tanker convoys, oil processing plants, storage facilities, pumping stations, pipelines and refineries..This reinforcement would introduce a new dimension to the US military presence, which largely has been comprised of special operations forces not equipped with tanks or other armored vehicles. It will include some mechanized forces."Oil is secured," Trump tweeted Friday.. "That mission remains unchanged," he said."White House officials would not clarify whom he was referring to as "knocking."We are currently very concerned about certain developments in the south, in the Deir el-Zour area," Jeffrey said.Though Trump repeatedly says he is pulling out of Syria, the reality on the ground is different.He also said anew on Friday that "we're getting our troops out" of Syria, without mentioning Esper's announcement. On Friday, Esper described the added force as "mechanized," which means it likely will include armored vehicles such as Bradley armored infantry carriers and possibly tanks, although details were still being worked out.Speaking to reporters Friday at the White House, Trump said the U.It was the latest sign that extracting the military from Syria is more uncertain and complicated than President Donald Trump is making it out to be.Esper spoke at a news conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels, where he consulted with American allies

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 01:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 20, 2020

The territory of the State shall comprise all the territories

Before its accession Jammu & Kashmir was governed in terms of The Jammu & Kashmir Constitution Act promulgated in 1939. What was considered to be the political mainstream in Kashmir has effectively disappeared. Moreover, with the Iranian issue back on the front burner, Pakistan will have a role to play in the US scheme of things. This arrangement continued until the state adopted its own Constitution. 

The US needs Pakistan ever more if the US-Taliban deal has to succeed. If you fail to drive a wedge between the populace and the insurgent — the insurrectionary would win. However, there are also the standard bearers of the Indian Union in the Vale of Kashmir namely the China Vacuum bags National Conference and the Indian National Congress stretching back again to independence. With the dismemberment of the original state of J&K that claim becomes a non-sequitor. For in both bilateral and multilateral negotiations India would not be able to say that we are wanting control over the original state of J&K as acceded to India on October 27, 1947, by Maharaja Hari Singh for that state no longer exists.Now with the government having bifurcated the state into two what happens to the Constitution of the undivided state of J&K? For no one can abrogate that Constitution and it has no self-destruct provision in its 12 Parts and 147 Articles.

The International Grey: India’s whole case for the return of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and the Northern Territories rests on the Instrument of Accession, an Article of the Jammu and Kashmir Constitution and two resolutions of Parliament. Even the Parliament of India cannot rescind it for it has been framed by an elected constituent assembly much like the Indian Constitution itself.The Political Grey: Going all the way back to 1947 there is a sizeable section of people in Kashmir who have rooted for autonomy, self rule, independence and merger with Pakistan.The Security Grey: It is a well-known security canon that if a militant movement has popular support it is near impossible to contain it, much less neutralise it.

The Strategic Grey: Pakistan is back in the game not only in Kashmir but also in the region.” The two resolutions of 1994 and 2012 state that the only unfinished business of Partition are those parts of J&K illegally occupied by Pakistan and ceded to China.That is why I told the Home Minister in the Lok Sabha on August 6, 2019, that between the black and white there are 50 shades of grey in Jammu & Kashmir. The current bifurcation has completely cut the legs out from under the regional parties, namely the NC and PDP. The repercussions of the negation of the political mainstream would be grave in the years to come. Then there is always the ISIS to fill the vacuum if the demobilised Afghan fighters are unwilling to become guns for hire for the Pakistani deep state. The most contemporary counterinsurgency manual, authored by General David Petraeus in 2006 and applied in Iraq and later Afghanistan, is premised upon certain fundamental principles that go the heart of COIN (Counter Insurgency) operations.

This unravelling of J&K has weakened our case in the chanceries and conference rooms of the world. (Photo: AP) By balkanising the state of Jammu & Kashmir and reconfiguring its constitutional relationship with the Indian Union, the NDA/BJP government has entered into a grey area whose shades are going challenge the resilience of the Indian state. Para seven of the Instrument of Accession signed by Maharaja Hari Singh on October 26, 1947, explicitly stated, "nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit me in any way to acceptance of any future Constitution of India or to fetter my discretion to enter into arrangements with the Government of India under any such future Constitution”. That is why a special mechanism was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on October 17, 1949, in the form of Article 370 to cement the relationship between the Indian Union and Jammu & Kashmir to move it beyond the Instrument of Accession. Article 4 of the J&K Constitution states, 

The territory of the State shall comprise all the territories which on the 15th day of August, 1947, were under the sovereignty or suzerainty of the ruler of the State. If one was to argue that with the bifurcation the Constitution has become a dead letter it can equally be argued that then the relationship between India and Jammu and Kashmir is now back to the terms of the Instrument of Accession dehors the constitutional sophistry of 2019. It remained in session till November 17, 1956, wherein it adopted a Constitution that came into force on November 26, 1957.The Constitutional Grey: Beyond ignoring the letter and spirit of Article 3 and the repeal of Article 370 there are other constitutional issues that have also been disregarded. It is ironical that three former chief ministers of Jammu & Kashmir Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti (who was till recently an ally of the BJP) and their families are in incarceration.The government needed to apply the healing touch rather than alienate the Kashmiris at this juncture.

After the last round of intense militant activity in the mid 1990s that saw killings of the leaders and cadres of mainstream political parties they still persevered and between 1996 and 2019 over four assembly elections and seven parliamentary elections reaffirmed their faith in the Indian democratic system. Article 3 of the said Constitution integrated the state inalienably into India by stating that Jammu & Kashmir shall be an integral part of India.Article 370 became all the more germane for on November 26, 1949, rajpramukhs of all the other the princely states that had acceded to the Union of India signed and adopted the Constitution in its entirety, except by the Maharaja, Jammu and Kashmir. Simply translated it means winning the hearts and minds of the people.The government needed to apply the healing touch rather than alienate the Kashmiris at this juncture. Over a period of time various other political outfits like the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) founded in 1999 also joined this endeavour. Whatever militant capacity the US- Taliban deal would free up will all come to Kashmir. Kashmiris walks past paramilitary troops patrolling a street in Srinagar on Saturday.

To make Jammu & Kashmir’s integration with India permanent an elected Constituent Assembly was convened on the 31st of October, 1951. They are intertwined and overlap and therefore the slogan of azadi means different things to different people. In the long war against militancy in Punjab the inflection point came when a popular government even on a thin electoral base was restored in 1992. Currently also the government is negotiating to end the decades-old insurgency with the Naga underground.Though other princely states also signed similar covenants but given the prevailing state of hostilities with Pakistan the situation in J&K was fraught with complexity. All these four strains are present in the body politic of Kashmir. It is obtuseness to remove the political buffer between Delhi and Srinagar and administer Kashmir from New Delhi

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January 14, 2020

This in no way applies to the procurement potential

The world of Mr Trump may be very different from what the world has so far encountered. By taking these issues head-on early in the campaign, Mr Trump hit a raw nerve that resonated with the people a reality that mainstream media in the US refused to acknowledge.India so far has been pretty nonchalant about the Trump presidency.Donald Trump has triumphed and now the show must begin in right earnest. Would Prime Minister Narendra Modi respond differently if a similar call goes out regarding the ISIS?Mr Vajpayee is a libertarian at heart; Mr Modi’s core beliefs are closer to some of the ideologically-driven foreign policy positions that the Trump administration may decide to take. 

Coupled with the desire to stride on the global stage, ignoring the reality that India is home to the second largest Muslim population that can proudly claim that none of them has even been remotely allured by the medieval caliphate vision of the ISIS, this government may inadvertently walk into a situation that can have domestic consequences as well. That’s all in the past. Over 25 ears Sixteen years after the collapse of the erstwhile Soviet Empire in December 1991 and four Presidents in the interim period when the US regarded itself to be the only superpower in the world, the sheen today is off. If the spectre of Chinese domination grows, where does that leave Australia, India, Japan, South Korea and the littoral states of the South China Sea?

The second dilemma goes out to West Asians, or what is referred to as the Middle East.Mr Trump has triumphed and now the show must begin in right earnest. Mr Trump has tweeted for a qualitative and quantitative expansion of the US nuclear arsenal. The recent general election in the US has challenged the fidelity of voting processes.. There is a general belief that while Democrats are more feted by the Indian political elite, strategic thinkers believe that Republicans are better to do business with. 

This in no way applies to the procurement potential that in any case has seen an exponential jump in the past few years. However, Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee wisely refrained from committing any Indian troops to that China Vacuum bags ill-advised venture. There has always existed a minor school of thought in the US that more is better in terms of nukes? The question that it raises what would such a world look like? Would it spark off an arms race again with a resurgent Russia? Would it compel some of the yet undeclared nuclear weapon states to go public? This would have profound implications on international security that are too horrendous to even contemplate. Even then there was a BJP-led NDA government that was charged with the remit of steering the ship of the Indian state. In that event, a power vacuum will manifest itself which China will be eager to fill. It will after the inauguration have to constantly keep figuring out if the early morning tweets represent Mr Trump’s personal view as opposed to a carefully-crafted inter-agency-driven American position articulated and executed in a calibrated manner.

While any democratic nation is entitled to elect whosever they like, the one significant thing that Mr Trump’s election underscores is the deep anxiety that Americans have about their future and what the complexities of the present world mean for the American way of life. It, on the contrary, has everything to do with projecting power and putting it to practical use. The unanimous intelligence read of the intelligence boffins presented to Mr Trump have pointed to alleged Russian interference in the US election processes? Does it have implications for other democracies around the world, specially in Europe, where a round of critical elections are coming up? These are some of the larger issues that are not country-specific.India was called upon by a previous Republican administration to weigh in when Iraq was invaded by a multinational coalition in March 2003.Immigration, the spectre of Islamic fundamentalism and the loss of its manufacturing base essentially to China were the three hot-button issues that politically correct establishment figures were unwilling to address. Roberts. What does the Trump presidency mean?The first dilemma goes out to Southeast Asians — there is a perception that the Trump administration will not be as engaged in Southeast and even North Asia as earlier US administrations have been. 

The Trump administration has already sent out some strong signals about the way it would want to shape the Israel-Palestine conflict, and though the recent Paris Conference on this festering sore of history was largely factitious, it remains to be seen as to how the new administration looking at the region with a fresh pair of eyes can come up with workable policy prescriptions. As Mr Trump surveys the swathe of territory from the Strait of Bosphorus to the Khyber Pass and beyond that to the Wagah border between India and Pakistan, it sees a region in deep turmoil. US President Donald Trump delivers his inaugural address on the West Front of the US Capitol on Friday in Washington, DC, after he was sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Justice John G.The third dilemma goes out to the ayatollahs of nuclear proliferation, arms control regimes and disarmament soothsayers. 

Would the Trump-India engagement be any different?The concerns of the Trump administration on the need to rein in ISIS, withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the lack of a conceptual framework vis-à-vis the Afghanistan-Pakistan paradigm are some of the areas to which Indian policymakers must apply their minds too. (Photo: AFP) Donald Trump assumed office as America’s 45th President on Friday.

The fourth and final dilemma goes out to cyber security mandarins. In the past eight years of the Obama presidency not a single big idea has either emerged or has been conceptually incubated by the two countries. Does India fit into any of these concerns?One of the frameworks that ostensibly attract the new American administration is the size of the Indian defence establishment and its intrinsic institutional capacity. We surely do live in interesting times

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January 06, 2020

While Hoffman is trying to look out for his boys Kinza

Hopped up on a potent mix of uppers, downers and adrenaline and the luxury of immunity, Hoffman staggers around, almost summing up, in a nutshell, the brashness of the "invader” persona whose boss is still obsessed with finding WMDs and once ordered an airstrike on a model tank.Escape from Baghdad! is also blissfully devoid of the moralising, the "with us or against vacuum compressed bag us” mantra which dominated the post-2001 global landscape and also crept into fiction. 

Escape from Baghdad! is one of those wondrous books that will appeal to readers who may be stuck in a genre or style.Saad Z. The trio end up encountering the "Lion of Akkad” — a mysterious, otherworldly, superhuman-like character — from among whose possessions they go on to steal an even more mysterious watch.The intersection of these two threads is almost seamless; as if the narratives are taking place in neighbouring lanes. It shakes loose all the human garbage that exists on the fringes of society,” says one of the characters in the book. Kinza and Dagr, with Captain Hamid in tow, are now on the lam, trying to manoeuvre their way in a place where loyalties and strongholds are constantly shifting. 

It has none of the sanctimonious nature of Robert Langdon, the protagonist of the historical thrillers by Dan Brown, who seems more caricature than character. Thompson-esque character of "Colonel” Hoffman, an apparent black-ops soldier just as notorious inside the fortified green zone as he can be inane outside, though he has mysterious levels of access within the myriad remnants of Iraqi bureaucracy and the new militias and gunrunners. Hossain’s storytelling — the language, the jabs, the vivid descriptions — is worthy of applause. After all, this is a novel set in a post-invasion Baghdad where — almost like a tableau — a war is being played out between a loose nexus of militias, remnants of the Baathist regime and the United States’ forces. Escape from Baghdad! is theoretically about these human garbage-esque characters who exist on the fringe of society and the fringes of war.”

Escape from Baghdad! begins with the adventures of Kinza and Dagr, strongmen minted in the post-war era, described as "purveyors of medicine, gossip, diesel and specialty ammunition,” who, after taking a former government interrogator Captain Hamid captive, are taken in by a legend he tells of the Mosul hideout of Tariq Aziz, Saddam Hussein’s former foreign minister, that is full of gold. There are only a couple of moments where Hossain makes an explicit point; in one scene, Sabeen snaps at Hoffman: What kind of person makes up ridiculous lies about a random country, invades it, destroys all its civil institutions, brands all its citizens as terrorists, causes a civil war, and then pretends everything is alright Thankfully, Hossain never sets out to answer that question. Hossain’s turn of phrase guides the characters into this magical, drifting place: a Baghdad in flux."War sometimes has a purifying effect. Hamid, for example, is the "Mother Teresa of black holes” and a night time scene starts off thus: 

The darkness in the streets was a smear of tar, a discombobulating colorant turning harmless daylight noises into the snickering of hyenas. There are moments of sudden, guilty laughter and thrilling scenes leading up to a big revelation. Sabeen is then the guide of sorts of another trio that comprises her, Hoffman and former Iraqi spy Behruse, who set out on another journey that delves into the labs and diaries of a scientist on the cusp of revealing something that binds everything — the watch, the mysterious "lion” and even the foundations of a security apparatus. 

Instead, Hossain lets the narrative and his characters illustrate the futility and inanity of war, as in a brilliant conversation Hoffman has with a soldier suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It combines all of the real-life surrealism of the 2003 war — a hunt for the elusive weapons of mass destruction lingers on in a country where overnight a tight-fisted regime made way for a loose nexus of militias with even looser affiliations — all willing to turn upon and to each other depending on their interests. In their quest to vanquish this "lion” they end up killing the son of a local militia leader who now wants to have his revenge.There is an all-consuming, almost feral quality to Escape from Baghdad, one that lends itself almost perfectly to its setting.

While Hoffman is trying to look out for his boys Kinza and Dagr, he ends up in an imbroglio courtesy an encounter with the acerbically honest and glamorously dangerous Sabeen. A classic femme fatale, Sabeen poisons Hoffman on their first meeting, which does little to detract his lust for her. As one of the characters muses: "In a vacuum, if the skin of power was donned quickly enough, if those first few rivals were put down fast, if those first adherents did not falter, then it all became real. Their escapades are guided by the brash Hunter S. Hossain’s debut novel navigates these actors and acts spectacularly. Hossain takes the best of literary genres — sci-fi, magical realism, historical fiction — using everything from djinns trapped in jars to medical mysteries involving storied figures from the past.Kinza and Dagr end up seeking refuge in the warren-like home of three aged, mysterious, almost witch-like women with a watch they can’t seem to figure out while trying not to be caught out by Hassan Salemi, the militia leader whose son they killed.

Saba Imtiaz is a freelance journalist and the author of Karachi, You’re Killing Me!. His characters take on that task with such irreverence that it makes one wish fervently for a new novel by Hossain. There is an all-consuming, almost feral quality to Escape from Baghdad, one that lends itself almost perfectly to its setting

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 30, 2019

Their fare was honed to perfection at quintessential colonial institution

Mash the boiled potatoes and add chopped onions, garlic powder, paprika, chopped coriander, salt and pepper to the mash.Deviled Scotch EggsDeviled Scotch EggsIngredients:2 boiled eggs, cut into halves2 medium sized mashed potatoes100 gms chopped onions1 tsp garlic powder1 tsp paprika100 coriander, choppedSalt and pepper, as per taste2 tbsp fried breadcrumbs for coatingMETHOD:HeatChina Hand roll vacuum compression bagsoil in a deep fryer to 350° F and cover the countertop with a large sheet of waxed paper. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degree Fahrenheit till the mutton is soft.

This lead to the foundations of what we now know as ‘Anglo-Indian’ cuisine, a hallmark of India’s culture of acceptance and co-existence. Using a pastry bag or sandwich bag with an end snipped off, pipe the yolk mixture back into the Scotch Eggs. But it had pretty much lost popularity after the fall of the Roman Empire. Use a strainer to dust the dish with castor sugar and decorate with cherries. "The Anglo-Indian cuisine was relished in formal settings and on evenings when English sahibs, Indian Princes and bejewelled ladies would gather together to enjoy the finest whiskeys and wines, and the elaborate and extensive menus each night, prepared laboriously by the cooks were only outdone by others the next night. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, salt, and pepper and mix until smooth.

They also tend to have a very simple and delicate taste and are almost universally palatable,” he explains. Chutney itself is believed to have been invented by India in the years before Christ."A number of authentic British dishes spiked with Indian flavours or Indian dishes with an addition or two of British ingredients and mellow spices is what makes this cuisine different. Add the mutton to an oven friendly dish. Mash the yolks with a fork and then place them in the bowl of a stand mixer.The British started adopting chutneys and marmalades in their colonies to ration food and preserve it for longer durations.

It is during this time, with the array of spices and ingredients available that this little side dish had a number of variations,” mentions chef Nayyar. Add boiled barley, mustard seeds, chili flakes, onions and stock to the mix of Indian spices along with salt as per taste. It's also one of the favourites for all the young NDA cadets,” he sums up. Although it isn’t Anglo-Indian, it is a tradition introduced by the British that we embraced. The British were the ones to get white bread, pastries, roasts etc to India, and now there are vegetarian variations of it in the cuisine,” says Nayyar, citing examples of some Anglo-Indian classics.

Their fare was honed to perfection at quintessential colonial institutions like gentleman’s clubs, railway kitchens, and Army messes,” explains Singh. But to be truly palatable to most British settlers, these centuries-old recipes needed to be ‘reimagined’ with a little bit of good old British flavour fundamentals. Roast the lamb in the oven for about 20 mins at 350 degree Fahrenheit.Chutneys were yet another amazing creation of the British and Indian cooks, and almost every dish from the cuisine is accompanied by a chutney, dip or sauce."The number of spices, herbs, and vegetables available in the Indian subcontinent made way for an amazing lot of side pickles and chutneys. Sandwich the layers with fresh whipped cream mixed with strawberries, grapes, banana, and orange chunks. Cover the dish with a thin sheet of rolled out flour."A railway curry, for example, is made with either vegetables, mutton or chicken and sometimes even with cottage cheese. The flavors were exciting and the aromas enchanting, unlike anything they had ever tasted before.Like white bread, the British also brought in pastries, cakes and English desserts to India; essentially for their army and government officials. A number of Anglo-Indian dishes are made using the oven and it is almost impossible to make some of the most popular dishes without it.

Serve hot.."The desserts were an immediate hit even with the Indians and it wasn’t long before a number of people set up bakery shops in India. Anglo-Indian itself being a fusion cuisine doesn’t really have set recipes or ingredients for that matter. Another really popular dish in Britain is Kedgeree. Fry Scotch eggs two at a time for 5 minutes. The tipsy pudding is still a very popular dish in the Indian Defence messes and is served frequently after dinner.

To devil them, halve the Scotch Eggs lengthwise and remove the yolks. Pudding is ready to serve. A number of Indian cooks learned the recipes and were tasked with dishing out cakes, puff pastries and a number of desserts like the tipsy pudding, caramel custard, fruit cream, bread pudding etc. Transfer them to paper towels and allow them to cool. Anglo-Indian dishes are by and large very easy to prepare at home and don’t usually require heavyweights in the kitchen to dish out. Even today, a number of Christian families in India prepare a plum cake on Christmas.

Top up with another layer of whipped cream and fruits.Lamb Barley PotIngredients:100 gms pot barley (boiled)3 medium onions, chopped1 tsp Worcestershire sauce for marinating1 tsp of lime juice for marinatingChili flakes, as per taste10 gms mustard Seeds8 pieces of lamb chops500 ml water or stock to coverA thin sheet of rolled out flour to coverSalt and freshly ground black pepper, as per tasteMETHOD:Marinate lamb in garlic, Worcestershire sauce, lime, salt, and pepper overnight.The British mellowed down and anglicised certain Indian dishes with acceptable levels of spice and tweaked some of their signature English meals with Indian flavours, informs Ajit Singh, MD at Anglow, New Delhi.Tipsy PuddingIngredients:3 layers of sponge cake (300g), available in the market, or can be made at home too. Enclose each egg completely in the mash.

Tipsy Pudding Throughout the 18th and 19th Century, the British and other European settlers would often be enthralled by the spectacular assortment of food and spices from the myriad regions of the Indian subcontinent. And even though the dishes are quite peculiar, they would never fade out because a number of Anglo-Indian dishes have now become staple Indian dishes, says Akshay Nayyar, head chef of Anglow.3 fluid ounces orange liquor (approx 85 grams)Seasonal fruits (strawberries, grapes, banana, and orange), chopped in cubes4 to 8 candied cherries (for decoration)8 oz (approx 225 grams) heavy whipping cream1 tbsp granulated sugar or 2 tbsp castor sugar1/8 tsp vanilla extractMETHOD lace three layers of sponge soaked lightly in orange liquor.

The Anglo-Indian cuisine is quite distinct from the regular Indian cuisine essentially because of its wide variety of ingredients. And the railway curry always differs in taste when had in Delhi, Kolkata or Chennai. Take a large chunk of mash in your hand and place an egg in the center.Dredge the potato-coated eggs in flour, dip them in the raw egg and then roll them in the bread crumbs until they are entirely coated. Open cheese toasts, shami kebabs and deviled eggs are an extremely popular choice in both the defence messes as well as a number of the colonial clubs in the country.The flavors were exciting and the aromas enchanting, unlike anything they had ever tasted before., mentions Singh, who curated the menu for Anglow after years of research on the cuisine

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 27, 2019

The Indian paint market is expected to reach

According to Nandi, the industry has been witnessing a slower growth of around 5 per cent during the past six quarters of disruptions. We will pass on the entire benefit to the customers in order to improve sales,” said B Thiagarajan, joint managing director of Bluestar.

It is a very positive move for us as our sales numbers in washing machines and televisions would pick up substantially. The industry was growing at 12-15 per cent in those times."The rate cut is applicable for a few products.. But this will build positive sentiment during the festival season and hence propel growth.The government also had reduced the GST rate of paints from 28 per cent to 18 per cent and the paint too is a fast moving category during festival and wedding season.

The Indian paint market is expected to reach Rs 70,875 crore by 2019-20 according to the Indian Paint Association.The industry has been reeling under the pressure of higher input costs and higher US dollar rates. But for this category, summer too is a big season and it was a washout this time. Summer too saw ACs posting a negative growth in sales. Nippon Paint will reduce its prices in accordance with the revised GST rates to the benefit of the customers.Refrigerators account for 45 per cent of the festival season sales. Further, a normal monsoon and increased agricultural income would support growth,” said Kamal Nandi, China Hand roll vacuum compression bags business head and EVP, Godrej Appliances. For other categories, the growth might be lesser but better.According to him, 80 per cent of the TVs sold are above 27 inch and hence the impact of rate cut will be limited for the category. Thanks to the GST rate cut, consumer durables, which have been witnessing a slower growth for the past six quarters, are expected to return to double-digit growth with the sentiments improving during the festival season. 

Chennai: Thanks to the GST rate cut, consumer durables, which have been witnessing a slower growth for the past six quarters, are expected to return to double-digit growth with the sentiments improving during the festival season.The biggest beneficiary would be washing machines, which account for 18 per cent of the total sales in consumer durables."The cost benefit for the customer with the rate cut from 28 per cent to 18 per cent will be around 8 per cent. We have been waiting for this to happen and finally government has cut the rates from 28 per cent to 18 per cent,” said Vijay Manuskhani, MD, Mirc Electronics. But overall we expect the consumer durable sector to grow by 10 to 12 per cent during the festival season,” he added. The reduction in GST will accelerate the expected growth.In smaller appliances, the rate cut is applicable to food grinders, mixers, juice extractors, storage water heaters, immersion heaters, hair dryers, hand dryers and electric smoothing irons. Air-conditioner is the next big category sold during the festival season, but the rate cut is not applicable for it.Some of the categories have also witnessed stagnant growth in these quarters. This step is a reprieve for the paint industry and its consumers as the high GST rate on paint had added to the consecutive price hike caused by a surge in the cost of raw materials, the last few years.The government reduced the GST rates of refrigerators, freezing equipment, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and television sets measuring less than 27 inches from 28 per cent to 18 per cent.The government also had reduced the GST rate of paints from 28 per cent to 18 per cent. Prices of most of the industrial metals have gone up and the dollar rates make the components costlier for the industry which is heavily dependent on imports.

GST is an opportunity for us to spur demand and hence we would are not looking at any further hike for the festival season,” added Nandi. Diesel prices have gone up and so has inflation. This rationalisation of rates will potentially encourage sales to go up by 12-14 per cent in the decorative segment," said Mahesh Anand, President – Nippon Paint India. 

This decision will augur well for the industry as the consumption will subsequently rise. The festival season accounts for 20 to 25 per cent of the yearly sales of washing machines, said Eric Braganza, president, Haier Appliances India."For refrigerators and washing machines, we expect that the growth will return to the levels prior to the troubled quarters

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 23, 2019

The Features of Royal Enfield Classic 500

Seat: In order to offer comfortable riding experience, the bikes come with a single saddle seat.Engine: It is equipped with a 4 stroke single cylinder with spark ignition. Classic 350 is now available in Gunmetal Grey color and Classic 500 is available in Stealth Black.Brakes: When you apply 2-piston caliper 280mm disc front brakes and single lead internal expanding 153mm drum rear brakes, the bike stops without any sudden jerks.Its multi-plate, wet clutch is ideal for a smooth transition.The digital electronic ignition makes it stand out.

The Features of Royal Enfield Classic 500Here are the features of the Classic beast. It comes with 346 cc displacements and its compression ratio is 8.The Specifications Royal Enfield Classic 500Here are the specifications of the Royal Enfield Classic 500 beast.Royal Enfield Classic 350Royal Enfield Classic 350’s instrument console comes with an analog speedometer, odometer and battery indicator.Engine: The bike is armed with a 500cc single cylinder with 4 stroke spark ignition. But one thing sure - both these bikes offer a comfortable, controlled and lavish riding experience.It is a single seater bike that comes with springs. Short silencer and fuel gauge are the additional features.In a recent development, Royal Enfield launched its ever-popular Classic 350 and Classic 500 bikes in new color scheme. It has fuel efficiency, power,Wholesale Vacuum space bagsand reliability. Since Royal Enfield is such a revered motorcycle brand popular amongst riders and bike enthusiasts, its bikes sell like hot cakes. Constant vacuum carburetor fuel supply optimizes the functioning of this riding machine. The bike’s styling is classic- simple yet appealing. The coil Ignition works fine with its engine. The bike comes with Royal Enfield’s ride quality promise. The conventional headlamp comes with a mighty halogen bulb which provides good light. Classic 350 appeals your eyes as well as your ears. The bore x stroke measurement is 84mm x 90mm. You can kick start it or electric start as well. Bike riding is liberating and it offers a soulful experience. This beast offers a maximum torque of is 41.3 Nm of torque. The air-cooled engine comes with fuel injection technology.5-liter engine fuel capacity, Classic 500 keeps your ride going on. To smoothen the bike start experience, the bike comes with the feature of electric start. With 90 percent fuel and oil, its kerb weight is 194 kilograms.

It’s really difficult to decide which model is better.Fuel Tank: The tank is designed with stylish graphics and thigh pads.When brakes are applied, 2-Piston caliper, 280mm disc front brakes, and internal expanding 153mm drum rear brakes make sure that the bike stops smoothly.2 bhp @ 5250 rpm. Quite expectedly, it is often too tough to decide which one to pick.Silencer: The short silencer is aesthetically designed to get that timeless 1950's look. When on road, Classic 500 grabs all the eyeballs because people can’t take their eyes off it.Wrapping it Up!Both the bike models are equipped with so many features. All new Classic 350 and 500 are equipped to take any challenge thrown to them by bumpy roads and tough tracks; but, a bike insurance policy can be helpful in case you meet with an accident because of poor road conditions.8 bhp @ 5250 rpm.These bikes have been remodeled to take the bike riding experience to a whole new level. Its displacement is 499cc.Electricals: 12 volts, 8 Ah battery gives power to H4-60/55W 12V Halogen headlamp, 12V, R10W X 4nos turn signal lamp and 12V, P21/5W tail lamp.Specifications of Royal Enfield Classic 350Engine: Royal Enfield Classic 350’s 4 stroke engine is armed with single cylinder and twin spark.Headlamp:

The headlamp gives the ultimate look to the bike. Both the variants, available in new color, are matt finished and are now available with rear disc brake and swingarm, which was earlier only available in Royal Enfield’s Thunderbird 500. The air-cooled OHV engine generates 41.. Have a look at it and you will understand why it appeals to the bike lovers.Twin gas charged shock absorbers and telescope front forks at the rear can handle everything when you are on the road.5: 1.5 Liter engine capacity that lets you ride more. No wonder, rider community has a special place for Royal Enfield in its heart.This bike offers everything that a biker could ask for.Let’s check out some of the outstanding features and specifications of Classic 350 and Classic 500.The compression ratio is 8. Wet sump lubrication ensures proper functioning of the engine.3 Nm @ 4000 rpm and maximum power is 27.These bikes have been remodeled to take the bike riding experience to a whole new level. And it all boils down to your preferences and riding expectations.Tail Lights: The vintage tail lamp is loaded with all the features of a classic design.Chassis and Suspension: Telescopic front suspension and 5-step adjustable preload double gas-charged shock absorbers give more power to this timeless machine. Royal Enfield Classic 500 is the most desirable bike.

The toolbox’s design is aesthetically pleasing. The tail lamp gives a vintage look to the bike.Dimensions: For the love of riding, Classic 500 comes with 13. However, it’s missing features like Tripmeter, anti-lock-braking system and alloy wheels. The riding machine offers a maximum torque of 28 Nm @ 4000 rpm and maximum power of 19. It is supported by springs that offer you a relaxing ride.5: 1.Tool Box: The toolbox comes with the timeless classic design. With its state-of-the-art bikes, Royal Enfield makes this experience much better. Its multi-plate clutch makes your riding experience smoother. In a recent development, Royal Enfield launched its ever-popular Classic 350 and Classic 500 bikes in new color scheme.Dimensions: With 13.Suspension: This bike comes with a single down tube with telescopic, 35mm forks, 130mm travel front suspension and double gas-charged shock absorbers equipped with 5 steps adjustable preload 80mm travel rear suspension.Royal Enfield Classic 500It is equipped with a fuel injected 500cc engine and its post-war styling enhances its appearance further. When loaded with 90 percent fuel and oil, its kerb weight is 192 Kilograms with 135 mm ground clearance

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 16, 2019

The poem further says that people like actor Mansoor

It also says that Amma’s demise has emboldened old-time film directors like Bharathiraja and Parthipan to call for a press conference once every ten days.It also takes a dig at the social activists that are advocating against Sterlite and the proposed eight-lane Green Corridor from Chennai to Salem.The poem published in the Thursday edition of AIADMK newspaper begs Amma to visit St George Fort and put a stop to the ‘clowns’.

The poem further says that people like actor Mansoor Ali Khan, BJP leader S Ve Shekher and director S A Chandrasekar have come out talking about various things.Poem published in &China Vacuum space bags Factory039;Namadhu Amma' refers to Kamal Haasan as 'coward', taking swipe at him for his political foray.A poem published in Tamil daily 'Namadhu Amma' called Rajinikanth and Haasan jokers nursing newfound bravado to flaunt political ambitions post-Jayalalithaa. It says that directors who do not have films to work on have set out masquerading as ‘Tamil poralis’. Rajinikanth is yet to announce his party’s name..The actor, who visited Delhi to complete the formalities for registering his political party, met UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday and Congress president Rahul Gandhi the day before.

Also Read: Too early for tie-up with Cong: Kamal Haasan after meeting Sonia GandhiHaasan has been overtly critical of the AIADMK government over issues ranging from corruption, police firing on anti-Sterlite protesters in Tuticorin that led to 13 deaths and the arrest of those opposing a proposed eight-lane green corridor between Chennai and Salem. AIADMK mouthpiece has slammed actors Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan alongwith a group of film directors who are critical of the party, calling them a 'gang of clowns'. It refers to Kamal Haasan as "coward", taking a swipe at him for his political foray. The actor's visit to Tuticorin last month had drawn sharp reactions for holding "anti-social elements" responsible for the violence. Describing the meetings as a courtesy call, Haasan said it was too early to speak of any tie up between his party and the Congress. Jayalalithaa - is not heard anymore, the coward who had howled he would flee the country has now got the courage to launch his maiyam; superstar too has got the ardour to launch a party.

Haasan, floated his own political party called Makkal Needhi Maiam (People's Justice Centre) in February this year.Earlier this year, Rajinikanth had said he was stepping into politics as there was a "vacuum" in Tamil Nadu politics. It also ridiculed superstar Rajinikanth for announcing his political debut in December last year after Amma’s death. The AIADMK mouthpiece also took on a number of film personalities and social activists who have been critical of the AIADMK government.The poem goes on to slam movie directors Ameer, Bala, Gowthaman and Karu Pazhaniappan.Although the AIADMK has targeted Haasan in the past, the ruling party has largely been subdued in its criticism of Rajinikanth, who has announced that he would launch a party that would contest all 234 assembly seats in Tamil Nadu in the next elections due in 2021. (Photo: File) # Chennai: Invoking Amma, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu late J Jayalalithaa, a mouthpiece of ruling AIADMK, has slammed actors Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan alongwith a group of film directors who are critical of the party, calling them a "gang of clowns”."Would these pygmies have dared to wag their tails when Amma was alive", roared the poet under pen-name Chitraguptan.The poem begins thus: "Just because that one word--I, J."Just to put in place this gang of clowns can't you (Jayalalithaa) come to the fort (secretariat) just for one day", the poem read

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 06:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 09, 2019

This made her a mass leader as well as an unbridled

Ms Banerjee plunges in where most fear to venture, often creating, in the process, the most noticeable of splashes. Ms Banerjee always favoured the downtrodden and ceaselessly championed their cause. This made her a mass leader as well as an unbridled populist. West Bengal’s effervescent chief minister Mamata Banerjee might have many faults but faint-heartedness is not one of them. Like the intrepid buffalo wading unmindfully into the murkiest of waters,Ms Banerjee plunges in where most fear to venture, often creating, in the process, the most noticeable of splashes.As a young Congress student leader in the mid-1970s, she is said to have shot into prominence by dancing on the bonnet of the socialist leader Jayaprakash Narayan’s car as a mark of protest.Today, she is in national focus having become the chief opponent of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s demonetisation move.The four-decade-long journey from student leader to a principal national Opposition figure is a huge achievement by any standards. Today, few will deny that she is part of the national political scene, no matter whether she is liked or abhorred.Yet, today, Ms Banerjee is also at a crossroads: which way will her political destiny fork?While analysts might doubt her abilities, it is unlikely that the doughty lady herself would have the slightest reservations. 

After all, it was not self-doubt that contributed to her China vacuum compressed bag Manufacturers spectacular political rise in a Bengal once dominated by the unrelenting shadow of the political Left.As the Congress Party in her state, dominated by opportunistic local leaders, crumbled in the 1980s, Ms Banerjee climbed into the vacant chair of principal Opposition leader in West Bengal.From 1984 onwards she won virtually every electoral contest she participated in and rose rapidly in the Congress Party. In 1997, she broke away to launch her own party, the All-India Trinamul Congress, which rapidly grew into the main Opposition party in Left-dominated West Bengal.Ms Banerjee’s political career too continued to soar and she came into national focus by becoming railway minister twice and holding other important portfolios in the Central government.Her crowning glory, and one that will be remembered for a very long time in her home state, was her stunning electoral victory in the 2011 state Assembly polls.The Marxists had controlled West Bengal for nearly three and a half decades and over the years created an iron framework of corruption and control, which was purported to be invincible. Ms Banerjee’s massive victory demolished that myth and the CPI(M)’s political base.As a political leader, who had risen from very difficult circumstances, Ms Banerjee always favoured the downtrodden and ceaselessly championed their cause. 

This made her a mass leader as well as an unbridled populist.But there was a downside to it. Her destructive type of populism resulted in West Bengal’s deindustrialisation, increase in organised extortion and rural underemployment. Her political victory has come at a huge cost to her state’s economic development.The country’s political stars have, however, continued to favour Ms Banerjee. The gradual but continued emasculation of the country’s largest political party, the Congress, has created a vast nationwide political vacuum which the country’s fragmented and jaded Opposition leaders are unable to fill.Ms Banerjee, on the other hand, seems to view this as her chance and has used every opportunity to criticise, chastise and ridicule the ruling dispensation headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a bid to emerge as the country’s principal Opposition leader.The portents are not good though. Her call for Opposition unity on the demonetisation issue has largely failed and forced her to return to the umbrella offered by her erstwhile political mentor, the Congress Party.Ms Banerjee’s claim that demonetisation is anti-poor and an assault on the people has not been supported by any other chief minister except Arvind Kejriwal, another incorrigible Modi-baiter.

The Janata Dal family has largely stayed out of the debate as have most other national-level politicians, leaving Ms Banerjee holding the bat.Her stance on the field is somewhat shaky. She was kicked in the shin by the Marxists after she had publicly declared she was ready to shed ideological differences with them over the demonetisation issue. The Marxists refused to oblige, saying they would not help her save crores in illegal funds amassed by her party.She has also earned nationwide opprobrium by opposing the arrest of Tamil Nadu’s chief secretary who was found with millions in unaccounted cash, gold and much more.The rising instances of corruption charges against her ministers, her hysterical opposition to demonetisation and her defence of the corrupt has lost her middle-class support in her home state and rendered her a figure of much ridicule elsewhere.At this juncture, Ms Banerjee can only hope that the trajectory of her political career will not follow that of one-time Bihar strongman, Lalu Prasad Yadav, who did rise to the national stage, sadly not as a statesman but as a buffoon.

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 06:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 02, 2019

I think this perspective underscores our responsibility

Voyager&Cube vacuum storage bags Factory039;s main mission was to explore other planets including Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. This NASA file photo taken on August 3, 2002 shows an artist's rendition of the Voyager spacecraft, which is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its launch. (Photo: AFP) Are we alone?Forty years ago, NASA rocket scientists sought to answer this question by launching the Voyager spacecraft, twin unmanned spaceships that would travel further than any human-made object in history.

They are still travelling.When Voyager 1 and 2 launched about two weeks apart in 1977 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, scientists knew little about the outer planets in our solar system, and could hardly imagine the scope of their upcoming space odyssey."None of us knew, when we launched 40 years ago, that anything would still be working, and continuing on this pioneering journey," said Voyager project scientist Ed Stone.Voyager's main mission was to explore other planets including Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, but it also carried the story of humanity into deep space.On board each Voyager is a golden record -- and record player -- that is built to last one billion years or more and contains key information about humanity and life on planet Earth, in case of an alien encounter.

The sounds include the calls of humpback whales, the Chuck Berry song "Johnny B. Goode," Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, a Japanese shakuhachi (a type of flute), a Pygmy girls' initiation song, and greetings in 55 languages.Late American astronomer Carl Sagan, one of the lead scientists involved with the project, also asked his son, Nick, who is now 46, to record his voice on it."Hello, from the children of planet Earth," says the young American boy.A total of 115 images are encoded in analog form, including the Great Wall of China, telescopes, sunsets, elephants, Jane Goodall with chimps, an airport, a train, a breastfeeding mother, dolphins and images of the human sex organs.Exploring other worlds Voyager 2 launched first, on August 20, 1977, followed by Voyager 1 on September 5 on a faster, shorter trajectory that would eventually take it into the lead.

The timing of the mission took advantage of a rare planetary alignment that only happens every 175 years, along with "gravity-assist" boosts from passing by planets that minimized the fuel needed.But Voyager faced many challenges from the start, from tight budgets to the limits of modern technology in the 1970s.One project scientist famously recalled # wrapping Voyager's cables in aluminum foil -- the store-bought kind for kitchen use -- to protect the spacecraft from frying in heavy radiation.Then-president Richard Nixon wanted to contain the mission to a two-planet flyby and a five-year life, but scientists building Voyager planned for a longer mission just in case.The cosmic duo went on to unveil planetary features unlike anything ever seen, including details about the surface of Jupiter with its raging storm the size of two Earths, known as the Great Red Spot."

These were, at that point, better pictures than any ground-based telescopes could provide," said Alan Cummings, a senior research scientist at Caltech who worked on the project beginning in 1973.The Voyager mission also discovered the first active volcanoes beyond Earth on Jupiter's moon Io, and signs of a subsurface ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa.Saturn's moon, Titan, turned out to have the most Earth-like atmosphere in the solar system, while Neptune's moon Triton was revealed to be spewing icy geysers.'Cherish that blue dot'Astronomy textbooks were rewritten on a wide scale, thanks to Voyager, which zoomed past Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus and "revolutionized the science of planetary astronomy," NASA said in an online remembrance of the famed mission.When Voyager had no more planets to be encountered on its trajectory, Carl Sagan pressed to have its cameras turn back toward Earth for a final snap of the planet that sent it.From four billion miles (6.4 billion kilometers) away, the images were taken on Valentine's Day, 1990.The Earth appeared as tiny as a speck of dust in a sunbeam, less than a single pixel in the vastness of space."

I think this perspective underscores our responsibility to preserve and cherish that blue dot, the only home we have," Sagan told a press conference at the time.Where are they now? Voyager 1 has traveled father than any human-made spacecraft, and made it to interstellar space, about 13 billion miles away from Earth, in August 2012.Voyager 2 is on its way there too, and is the only spacecraft to have flown by all four outer planets in our solar system.The plutonium-powered spaceships will continue until they finally run out of fuel, and will then orbit in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.Cummings said the cameras stopped working a long time ago, but about five instruments still collect data.Scientists still hear from the Voyager spacecraft daily, and expect to get data for about another decade."It is still discovering new things because it is going where nothing has been before," said Stone.

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November 25, 2019

There was unanimity that in the category

The new rates will come into effect from November 15.The council also brought down the GST on AC, non-AC restaurants to 5 per cent. Also, tax on wet grinders and armoured vehicles was cut from 28% to 12%. So, today the GST Council took a historic decision, that in the 28% slab there will be only 50 items and the remaining items have been brought down to 18 per cent,” he said. Therefore each item of good was specifically fit into VAT category,” Mr Jaitley said. 

During the BJP campaign in the state, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had hinted at a GST revamp to address concerns. When the rates were originally fixed by saddling previous taxes, the principal of equivalence had been applied.Chocolates, shampoo, eating out to cost less; For now, no GST on real estate.The top tax rate is now restricted to luxury and demerit goods like pan masala, aerated water and beverages, cigars and cigarettes, tobacco products, cement, paints, perfumes, ACs, dish washing machine, washing machine, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, cars and two-wheelers, aircraft and yacht.Mr Jaitley said tax rate on six items was reduced from 18% to 5%, on 8 items from 12 % to 5% and on six items from 5% to nil.Former finance minister P.

We could not take up the agenda of (bringing real estate under GST) in the meeting,” said Mr Jaitley soon after the 23rd GST Council China vacuum compressed bag Factory meeting. "We will not allow BJP to impose a Gabbar Singh Tax on India.The 178 items whose tax slab has been brought down from 28% to 18% include chewing gum, chocolates, coffee, custardpowder, marble and granite, dental hygiene products, polishes and creams, sanitary ware, leather clothing, artificial fur, wigs, cookers, stoves, after-shave, deodorant, detergent and washing power, razors and blades, cutlery, storage water heater, batteries, goggles, wrist watches and mattress.

The Congress reacted angrily to the developments. But it will take some time because it has a big revenue implication,” he said."In the last few meetings, as a part of our effort to rationalise GST structure, council has been reviewing rates from time to time.The massive relief for consumers and businessmen comes before the Gujarat Assembly polls next month.Finance minister Arun Jaitley said after a meeting of the GST Council that tax rates of 178 items have been slashed while keeping only 50 items, mostly demerit, sin and luxury goods, in the top 28 per cent tax bracket. But the GST Council has further pruned 12 more items, he said. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley addresses the media after 23rd GST Council Meet in Guwahati, Assam. 

Pasta, handbags made of cotton and Jute will be among the 13 items that will now attract a 12% tax instead of 18%. "There was consensus that slowly 28% slab should be brought to 18% cent. (Photo: PIB) Guwahati: In the biggest overhaul of GST slabs yet, tax rates of over 200 items, ranging from chewing gum to beauty products, from wigs to wrist watches, were on Friday cut to provide relief to consumers and businesses amid economic slowdown.It is one of the biggest concessions announced after the new indirect tax system took effect on 1 July. Chidambaram said on Twitter that with economy growing by its slowest pace since Narendra Modi government came to power, the "panic-stricken govt has no option but to concede demands for change” in the tax, Bihar deputy chief minister Sushil Modi said that the decision taken by the GST Council will have cause a revenue loss of `20,000 crore annually. They cannot break the back of the small and medium businesses, crush the informal sector and destroy millions of jobs.

There was unanimity that in the  category there should be only sin and demerit goods. #GSTCouncilMeet” said Congress V-P Rahul Gandhi in a tweet.The announcements on Friday are the biggest concessions after the new indirect tax system took effect on July 1. Currently, 12 per cent GST on food bill is levied in non-AC restaurants and 18 per cent in AC ones.There were 228 items in the 28% slab before the meeting. The fitment committee had recommended that the top 28% slab should be pruned to 62 items.

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 05:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The apparent progress comes after Foreign Minister Abdulmalek al

(The discussions have become more sensitive and delicate bringing us closer to a comprehensive agreement,' the envoy said.The rebel delegation met late Tuesday with the ambassadors to Yemen of the United States, Britain and the European Union and called for the formation of a "consensus executive authority" in Yemen.Ould Cheikh Ahmed said discussions on Tuesday centred on "various military and security issues including withdrawals and troop movements".Huthi Shiite rebels and their allies have demanded a unity government.

Yemenis are awaiting a fair solution and if it fails, anti-aggression national forces must fill the vacuum by forming a government to serve the people and confront challenges," Abdulsalam said on Twitter.The government has also demanded that rebels implement an April 2015 Security Council resolution demanding their withdrawal from the capital and other territory they have seized since 2014. "We have not seen this momentum towards peace in the past one and a half years,a roadmap plan has been laid down and it has to work," he said.He clarified on Twitter that he will make the briefing by video conference from Kuwait.

Huthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam warned that if no fair solution was reached, the rebels would form the government in Sanaa.Despite a 14-month-old Saudi-led military intervention in support of Hadi's government, the rebels and their allies still control many of Yemen's most populous regions, including the central and northern highlands and the Red Sea coast."The discussions have become more sensitive andVacuum bags Manufacturersdelicate bringing us closer to a comprehensive agreement," he said.A Western diplomat familiar with the talks said they had made important progress.Reporters Without Borders urged the rebels to release 10 journalists who began a hunger strike on May 9 to protest against their detention."We are in a stage where the parties have to make hard choices and compromises," the diplomat said, adding that he was "very optimistic" that a deal could be reached.

The apparent progress comes after Foreign Minister Abdulmalek al-Mikhlafi said on Monday that the government stood ready to make concessions for the sake of peace.The government delegation insists that the legitimacy of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi must be respected.To overcome this problem, the UN envoy has proposed a "National Salvation Government," the Western diplomat said."We are now working on overcoming various obstacles and addressing specific details of an implementation mechanism," he said.They also accused Saudi Arabia of violating the ceasefire, sources close to the delegation said.'The discussions have become more sensitive and delicate bringing us closer to a comprehensive agreement,' the envoy said. - 'National Salvation Government' -The main sticking point in the talks has been the form of government to oversee a transition.

The proposed government "would be formed on a consensual and inclusive basis and in accordance with the legal references, and would only replace the current government once Sanaa and key government institutions are not under the control of non-state actors," he said."We are moving towards a general understanding that encompasses the expectations and visions of the parties," Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said in a statement.Face-to-face meetings resumed on Monday for the first time in nearly a week after the latest government boycott.The UN envoy said on Wednesday that Yemen's warring parties were closer to agreement at peace talks in Kuwait as he prepared to brief the Security Council on progress in negotiations. Yemen warring parties are closer to agreement at peace talks in Kuwait..Ould Cheikh Ahmed is to brief the UN Security Council in a closed session later on Wednesday on the progress made in the peace talks which began on April 21 but have been clouded by repeated walkouts by the government delegation

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 610 words, total size 4 kb.

November 18, 2019

While selecting your swimwear

In India and globally one-pieces and monokini’s are popular at the moment with interesting cutouts. Celebrity stylist Nidhi Sharma, remarks, "I think the best way to sport a swimsuit is picking wisely according to your body type and wear it with confidence. Don’t forget to pack the essential accessories like an eco-friendly straw hat, a beach bag, sunglasses, long earrings, a statement neck piece, and some cool flip flops. 

To cater to the older age group of ladies, we do many styles that cover the curves in comfortable silhouettes. While the Internet couldn’t get enough of the refugee model gracing the cover in a hijab and swimwear, maybe the world is finally ready to embrace and appreciate all kinds of trends in the swimsuit segment. Skirtinis in geometrical prints and solid colours are quite popular in the market this season. And, don’t wear to lather layers of sun protection before you enter the water to keep skin issues at bay.

In Indian market, fashion brands are experimenting with bolder cuts, patterns and interesting embellishments as customers expect something different from what they would regularly find.”While selecting your swimwear, comfort has to be the keyword and accordingly any outfit can be worn with a smile. Delhi-based designer Niyati Monga of Kinaraa Swimwear, mentions, "Indian women prefer skirtinis and swimsuits with shorts.”. 

Recently, model Halima Aden announced her debut on Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover and made history by posing in a hijab and burkini for the magazine. With a focus on flowing georgettes, our must-have is the longer beach maxi-dress which can be worn not just to the pool, but straight to dinner too. We spoke to swimwear experts to explore what are the options this season for Indian women, who do not want to miss out on the aquatic adventures and yet be comfortable in water. 

Keeping this on the mind the latest trend, we have a line of reversible tie and dye monokini’s and playful one pieces in bold India inspired prints, Indigo mosaic, and gold paisleys prints for the global customers.With brands getting more inclusive about all kinds of body type, skin tones and ethnicity, perhaps, this could be one of the most revered eras in fashion.While selecting your swimwear, comfort has to be the keyword and accordingly any outfit can be worn with a smile. While black is an evergreen colour, however, let’s not be boring and add in a slight touch of colour to keep it stylish. Personally, I like to style a black swimsuit with any bright coloured bag and hat – a timeless and tested look that never goes out of fashion.”

While, burkinis that cover women from top to toe are a rage in Islamic nations, in Indian context it is replaced by skirtinis. Harshad Daswani, founder of the Beach Company, highlights, "Our prints for resort wear are inspired by Indian history, such as temple wall art and window jaali designs. For the more experimental customers, we have skirtinis with a hint of the net to create the look of deeper necklines. 

And in the swimwear department, high waisted bikini bottoms and mesh-insert swimwear designs are definitely the best sellers. The Somali-American model was in the news for her graceful appearance on the cover of the popular magazine, which is particularly infamous for its scintillating photo shoots with celebrities. Halima Aden Somalian American model Halima Aden&Wholesale Vacuum Storage Bag39;s debut pose in a hijab and burkini for Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover made history. And, in our latest # collection, we designed seamless swimsuits with hand-woven knots.”For a well-travelled customer, not only a right swimwear but also the accessories with it makes a huge difference. 

Let’s see How Burkinis and skirtinis are trending this Summer. Designer Deviana Gupta of the swimwear label Saltskin, says, "We focus on innovation, in our first and second collection we designed reversible swimsuits and used fabrics like the printed mesh. Style your swimsuits with capes, see-through dresses, and kaftans on a nice beach holidayIn India and globally one-pieces and monokini’s are popular at the moment with interesting cutouts. Celebrity stylist Nidhi Sharma, remarks, "I think the best way to sport a swimsuit is picking wisely according to your body type and wear it with confidence. 

Don’t forget to pack the essential accessories like an eco-friendly straw hat, a beach bag, sunglasses, long earrings, a statement neck piece, and some cool flip flops. To cater to the older age group of ladies, we do many styles that cover the curves in comfortable silhouettes. While the Internet couldn’t get enough of the refugee model gracing the cover in a hijab and swimwear, maybe the world is finally ready to embrace and appreciate all kinds of trends in the swimsuit segment. Skirtinis in geometrical prints and solid colours are quite popular in the market this season. And, don’t wear to lather layers of sun protection before you enter the water to keep skin issues at bay.In Indian market, fashion brands are experimenting with bolder cuts, patterns and interesting embellishments as customers expect something different from what they would regularly find.”

While selecting your swimwear, comfort has to be the keyword and accordingly any outfit can be worn with a smile. Delhi-based designer Niyati Monga of Kinaraa Swimwear, mentions, "Indian women prefer skirtinis and swimsuits with shorts.”. Recently, model Halima Aden announced her debut on Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover and made history by posing in a hijab and burkini for the magazine. With a focus on flowing georgettes, our must-have is the longer beach maxi-dress which can be worn not just to the pool, but straight to dinner too. We spoke to swimwear experts to explore what are the options this season for Indian women, who do not want to miss out on the aquatic adventures and yet be comfortable in water. Keeping this on the mind the latest trend, we have a line of reversible tie and dye monokini’s and playful one pieces in bold India inspired prints, Indigo mosaic, and gold paisleys prints for the global customers.With brands getting more inclusive about all kinds of body type, skin tones and ethnicity, perhaps, this could be one of the most revered eras in fashion.

While selecting your swimwear, comfort has to be the keyword and accordingly any outfit can be worn with a smile. While black is an evergreen colour, however, let’s not be boring and add in a slight touch of colour to keep it stylish. Personally, I like to style a black swimsuit with any bright coloured bag and hat – a timeless and tested look that never goes out of fashion.”While, burkinis that cover women from top to toe are a rage in Islamic nations, in Indian context it is replaced by skirtinis. Harshad Daswani, founder of the Beach Company, highlights, "Our prints for resort wear are inspired by Indian history, such as temple wall art and window jaali designs. For the more experimental customers, we have skirtinis with a hint of the net to create the look of deeper necklines. And in the swimwear department, high waisted bikini bottoms and mesh-insert swimwear designs are definitely the best sellers. The Somali-American model was in the news for her graceful appearance on the cover of the popular magazine, which is particularly infamous for its scintillating photo shoots with celebrities. 

Halima Aden Somalian American model Halima Aden&Wholesale Vacuum Storage Bag39;s debut pose in a hijab and burkini for Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover made history. And, in our latest # collection, we designed seamless swimsuits with hand-woven knots.”For a well-travelled customer, not only a right swimwear but also the accessories with it makes a huge difference. Let’s see How Burkinis and skirtinis are trending this Summer. Designer Deviana Gupta of the swimwear label Saltskin, says, "We focus on innovation, in our first and second collection we designed reversible swimsuits and used fabrics like the printed mesh. Style your swimsuits with capes, see-through dresses, and kaftans on a nice beach holiday

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1331 words, total size 9 kb.

November 12, 2019

The Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing

(Photo: AP) The Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said.The Clinton team responded Thursday by calling the assertion outlandish.The Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said."Trump tends to stand pat by his often freewheeling accusations and assertions. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2016Trump first made the accusation Wednesday at a rally in Florida, and repeated it in interviews Thursday.But that widely viewed footage is believed instead to show the moment in January when three of five American prisoners freed by Iran get off a plane in Geneva. THEY DON&China Travel Vacuum Bag Manufacturers39;T GET SARCASM — Donald J.In a tweet last Friday, Trump said this is indeed what he saw.Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) "the founder" of ISIS, & MVP. 

Washington: Donald Trump backtracked on Friday from his assertion that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton founded the Islamic State group, saying he was just being sarcastic.But Trump did not explain fully what he meant.And the Democratic National Committee on called on the real estate mogul to "apologize for his outrageous, unhinged and patently false suggestions. THEY DON'T GET SARCASM ," Trump wrote in a tweet.Trump acknowledged August 5 he was wrong in claiming to have seen secret Iranian footage of $400 million in cash being delivered to # Tehran as payment for the release of US prisoners."Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) "the founder" of ISIS, & MVP.

In this case he targeted CNN, although his comments on the jihadist group and the president were picked up across the news spectrum.He appeared to be mimicking the argument that the US troop withdrawal from Iraq under Obama, with Clinton serving as secretary of state, created a vacuum that allowed the Islamic State group to emerge and flourish in Iraq and Syria..However last week he did acknowledge an error, which was very rare for him.Trump raised eyebrows when he made that claim and gave many details of what he said he saw in the film."Anyone willing to sink so low, so often should never be allowed to serve as our commander-in-chief," Clinton wrote in a tweet. 

He also said he considered Clinton, his Democratic rival for the presidency, to be the co-founder of the Islamic State group.As he often does, the Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said(Photo: AP) The Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said.The Clinton team responded Thursday by calling the assertion outlandish.The Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said."Trump tends to stand pat by his often freewheeling accusations and assertions. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2016Trump first made the accusation Wednesday at a rally in Florida, and repeated it in interviews Thursday.But that widely viewed footage is believed instead to show the moment in January when three of five American prisoners freed by Iran get off a plane in Geneva. THEY DON&China Travel Vacuum Bag Manufacturers39;T GET SARCASM — Donald J.

In a tweet last Friday, Trump said this is indeed what he saw.Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) "the founder" of ISIS, & MVP. Washington: Donald Trump backtracked on Friday from his assertion that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton founded the Islamic State group, saying he was just being sarcastic.But Trump did not explain fully what he meant.And the Democratic National Committee on called on the real estate mogul to "apologize for his outrageous, unhinged and patently false suggestions. THEY DON'T GET SARCASM ," Trump wrote in a tweet.

Trump acknowledged August 5 he was wrong in claiming to have seen secret Iranian footage of $400 million in cash being delivered to # Tehran as payment for the release of US prisoners."Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) "the founder" of ISIS, & MVP.In this case he targeted CNN, although his comments on the jihadist group and the president were picked up across the news spectrum.He appeared to be mimicking the argument that the US troop withdrawal from Iraq under Obama, with Clinton serving as secretary of state, created a vacuum that allowed the Islamic State group to emerge and flourish in Iraq and Syria..However last week he did acknowledge an error, which was very rare for him.Trump raised eyebrows when he made that claim and gave many details of what he said he saw in the film."Anyone willing to sink so low, so often should never be allowed to serve as our commander-in-chief," Clinton wrote in a tweet. He also said he considered Clinton, his Democratic rival for the presidency, to be the co-founder of the Islamic State group.As he often does, the Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 02:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 822 words, total size 6 kb.

The Environmental Pollution Control Body has asked the top court

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said that Centre and states need to join hands to join the pollution crisis in Delhi instead of pointing fingers and playing politics.Asking people to stay indoors, the CM stated that all schools would remain closed for the next 3 days.The Centre itself is set to hold a meeting with state environment ministers of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh on Monday on the issue of pollution in the capital.

Calling for emergency measures, Kejriwal, following a Delhi Cabinet meeting, said that all the constructions and demolitions will be shut down, including metro constructions, for the next 5 days. The apex court will hear environmentalist Sunita Narain's plea on the Delhi pollution matter on Sunday.New Delhi: The Supreme Court will take up the issue of pollution affecting Delhi on Tuesday.Stating that his government was considering reimplementation of the odd-even scheme, Kejriwal also announced that streets would be watered every day and that vacuum cleaning of roads would begin from November Cube vacuum space bag 10."No DG will be used in Delhi for next 10 days except in hospitals and emergency places,” Kejriwal said, adding that the Badarpur power plant would also be shut down. We have provided help time to time.

The AAP government including Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had earlier blamed crop burning in Delhi’s neighbouring states for the heavy smog and pollution in Delhi which is causing breathing problems and has led to schools shutting down. But implementation is state's responsibility," Dave said.(This story first appeared in Deccan Chronicle). (Photo: PTI) On Sunday, a political fight broke out over the issue even as Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced a slew of emergency measures.

The Environmental Pollution Control Body has asked the top court to take up the matter, calling the state of affairs a 'public emergency'.The Centre on Sunday slammed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government, stating that only 20% of pollution in Delhi was due to activities in other states.Central Environment Minister Anil Dave said that 80 per cent of Delhi’s pollution was the result of garbage burning in the city.Dave called on AAP to come out of the 'blame game mindset'.Meanwhile, Kejriwal is scheduled to meet President Pranab Mukherjee at 1:30 pm to discuss the issue of missing Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student Najeeb Ahmad.Kejriwal also said that the idea of causing artificial rain was discussed in the meeting. A view of Rajpath covered in smog in New Delhi on Friday.On Sunday, a political fight broke out over the issue even as Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced a slew of emergency measures. However, he claimed that not much relief could be expected soon as crop burning in other states would continue.The Delhi CM announced that landfill sites would also be bulldozed. He claimed that by blaming other states, AAP was politicising the issue."What help do they need Tell us

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 02:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 489 words, total size 3 kb.

November 04, 2019

There is not enough space to accommodate everyone there

There is not enough space to accommodate everyone there,” said Chandrakant Malusare, a shop owner. He also said that on Sunday, more than 400 people visit the market and if anything untoward happened, people would not get a chance to even escape as there was not enough space to move out. Joshi Marg. Shops in Lower Parel that are to be relocated for ROB. On the other hand, the civic body has threatened to move all of them to Mahul if they are not happy with the space provided to them in the same locality. MHADA developed a building in which nearly 100 tenants are living currently. But now they are snatching our Vacuum bags Manufacturers jobs.

Yamuna Shivdikar (70) who travels from Shivadi says it is the family’s fourth generation selling fish at the present location and she doesn’t want to shift to the market.The ROB has been planned at the Deslisle road bridge, near Lower Parel railway station at N. The shopkeepers said that the new spaces provided by the BMC were not in good condition. In return, we don’t get any facility but we somehow manage.The Asian Age tried to contact BMC officer Sangeeta Hasnale but she did not reply to our message or calls.Owners are demanding a written assurance from the BMC for last six months. "That market is still in the same condition so what is the reason BMC wants us to shift to that market now? Why is BMC hesitating to give us on paper?” he asked.”Shop owners from Prof Dadasheb Khamkar Mandai Vyapari Mandal protested the BMC’s handling by keeping the shop shut for a day. Joshi Marg. The BMC is forcibly shifting nearly 173 shops located near the station area.M. Most of us are the only earners in our family.

We had given our place to MHADA for developing a building in the 70s.Tukaram Patil pointed out that around 40 years ago, the then mayor and other leaders and BMC officials had told them not to shift to the said market where the BMC wanted to relocate them now..M.The ROB has been planned at the Deslisle road bridge, near Lower Parel railway station at N. The market is on the ground floor of the building and is not in good condition. But in return, they have been threatened saying if they didn’t move, they would be shifted to Mahul. Mumbai: Nearly 173 shopkeepers at Lower Parel - who will be relocated to make space for the Road over Bridge (ROB) - have refused to move into the alternate space provided by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). They have been asked to move into the Prof Dadasaheb Khamkar Mandai market which is near the bridge. Vatsala Kharde who comes from Versova said, "We make regular payments to BMC. Other shop-owners supported them in their protest. The place is very small

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 486 words, total size 3 kb.

October 30, 2019

The court was hearing the anticipatory bail filed

On Day 8 of the hungerstrike in protest against the punishment for organising the controversial event, five students withdrew from the protest citing deteriorating health conditions. A total of 25 students were on hungerstrike since last Thursday. Meanwhile, a leader of UP Navnirman Sena, who is absconding in a case relating to conspiracy to kill Mr Kumar, was on Thursday denied anticipatory bail by the Delhi high court. 

No anticipatory bail at this stage. However, his health deteriorated later and he was referred to emergency ward of AIIMS.The keytone levels and BP of other protesting students were also reported to be low, according to the test reports from the health centre. The keytone levels are low and there has been weight loss of 4-5 kgs in each of them but the spirit to fight is still on till we defeat the administration,” it added.

The court was hearing the anticipatory bail filed by Jani, who claimed that he was falsely implicated by the police as he had not written any letter threatening to behead the">Cube vacuum storage bag039; Union President Kanhaiya Kumar addressing a press conference in Patna. (Photo: PTI) JNU Students Union chief Kanhaiya Kumar, who is on an indefinite hungerstrike, was on Thursday taken to Vacuum bags Manufacturers AIIMS after his health condition deteriorated even as five students withdrew from the ongoing fast against punishments by the university in connection with the February 9 event.

Kanhaiya’s BP dropped to 56 and his glucose levels also dipped drastically.vacuumspacebag. We are very concerned about his health. He was taken to the JNU health centre in a semi-conscious state and the doctor warned him of chances of internal bleeding if he continues with the fast,” a statement by JNU Students’ Union said.Mr Kumar, who was also arrested in a sedition case over the event, was taken to the JNU health centre in a semi-conscious state.JNU Students Union chief Kanhaiya Kumar, who is on an indefinite # hungerstrike, was on Thursday taken to AIIMS after his health condition deteriorated even as five students withdrew from the ongoing fa JNU Students&

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 02:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 357 words, total size 2 kb.

October 25, 2019

The trade row has prompted both countries

In response, New Delhi slapped higher tariffs on 28 US products.Trump and Modi met on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan.6 billion.."India has long had a field day putting Tariffs on American products.In May, Trump scrapped India’s trade privileges under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), under which New Delhi could make duty-free exports worth up to USD 5.

The United States and India are grappling with issues that Vacuum Storage Bag include access to Indian markets for US firms, New Delhi’s demand for foreign firms to store Indian data in the country and Indian exports of steel and aluminum to the US market. US President Donald Trump.Christopher Wilson, the US assistant trade representative for South and Central Asia, was expected to meet Indian government officials in New Delhi on Friday, two senior Indian trade ministry officials said. No longer acceptable!” 

Trump tweeted. Washington: US President Donald Trump repeated his complaints on Tuesday that India’s tariffs on US products were unacceptable but he did not indicate whether he would take any further action in the trade row between the two nations.Indian government sources said last month that Indian tariffs were not that high compared to other developing countries and some US tariffs much higher.The trade row has prompted both countries to raise tariffs and created unease over the depth of their security alliance.

The trade row has prompted both countries to raise tariffs and created unease over the depth of their security alliance.But an Indian government source with close knowledge of the matter said Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a "very good meeting” in Osaka in June and they were continuing to engage on the issue.There was no immediate comment from India’s foreign and trade ministries

Posted by: travelvacuumbag at 03:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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